Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Sorry for the long dead period but the blog shall never die!!!

Just to recap- the acts that happened previously

Job Week Briefing

Date: 3 March 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Time: 3.30pm - 6.30pm
Things to Bring: Writing Materials, Job Week Routes for Year 2s to 4s
Reporting Attire: PE Attire

Challenge of the Venturez

Date: Monday (01/03/2010)
Time: 3.30pm to 6.30pm
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire: PE Attire
Things to bring: Water Bottle

Den Orientation

Date: Wednesday (24/2/2010)
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire: PE Attire
Things to bring: Basha Building materials (PLs)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Collection of funds

The centenary scarf costs $3 and the name tag costs $3.50. Thus, the sec 3s will have to pay me $3 whereas the rest will pay me $6.50. The reason why you are paying it to me is because I have paid the cost for all of you in advance. Please pass the money to me next week.

Founder's Day

As most of you should know by now, tomorrow 22 Feb is founder's day. Held in commemoration of the birth of Baden Powell, all scouts world wide celebrate this special occasion.

As such, we will be having a ceremony in the morning for all scouts. Please meet under the clock tower by 6.45am in the morning tomorrow. Do note that attendance will be taken. Also note that the attire is full scout uniform with the white scarf. There will be no activity on that day.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Hey guys here are the details for Overnight Camp as stated in the briefing earlier:
Duration: 19 Feb (1530 hrs) - 20 Feb (1600 hrs)
Location: Gym Hall Atrium, Raffles Institution
Venue: Meet at Gym Hall Atrium in full scout u (for the Sec 1s, PE kit)
Sec 3s please report earlier, preferably right after school to get the flagstaff up

There will be inspection during the camp. Inspection, for those of you who don't know, is a way of checking contraband items at the start of the camp (for eg. antisocial items such as cards, ipods, handphones etc.) Another reason for inspection can also be for airing your items but that is not the purpose of inspection for this camp. For this inspection, a much longer time will be given but this inspection will focus more on quality than speed, unlike previous years. Either another sec 3 or I will be sending the template for inspection soon. Please remember to standardise the inspection format among the whole level, or at least, among the patrol. This time, your bags will need to be water-proofed. A way to water-proof your bag would be to use zip lock bags, or just put everything into a garbage bag and dump it into your bag.

Parent's Session
On Day 2, from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. (which is your dismissal time) will be Parent's Session, where your parents (if they are coming) will meet 01 and be introduced to 01 and answer any queries that your parents might have. There will also be a sharing of experiences (for eg. the Cambodia CIP trip)

Cooking Race
There will be cooking race during Overnight Camp. Cooking Race, for those of you who don't know yet, is a competition where we cook food given a set budget/ingredients and it will be judged by 4 criteria:
- Presentation/Creativity 25%
- Sufficiency 25%
- Taste 30%
- Hygiene 20%
(Please take note of the hygiene portion! Even if our food tastes nice, is sufficient for the patrol and is creative and nice-looking, if we poison the J1s we still will not get first place.)[And you'll get pumped]
The ingredients for the Cooking Race will be bought during the camp itself and no ingredients are to be brought to the camp. The patrols are required to bring their own condiments though. Those who do have the condiments would you please kindly bring them :) Food without condiments is like facebook without mousehunt. Bad analogy, but you get the point (hopefully).

Full Scout Uniform
- Beret (which includes beret badge)
- Scarf
- Woggle (please try and make sure it's not faded)
- Scout shirt (which includes applets [sorry I don't know the correct spelling])
- Scout pants
- Belt
- Scout socks
- Scout shoes
PE T-shirts 2
PE pants 2
Underwear Sufficient
Sports/Track Shoes 1
Socks Sufficient
Slippers/Sandals 1
Warm Clothing Optional
- toothbrush
- toothpaste
- towel
Prickly Heat powder Optional
Box file (for storing certs) 1
Writing Materials
Water Bottle (1.5 L) 1
Torchlight 1
Spare batteries Sufficient
Poncho 1
Groundsheet 1
Ziploc/plastic bags Sufficient
Hanger (for scout u) 1
Multi-purpose knife 1
Insect repellant 1
Condiments (salt, pepper, sugar.... etc)
Extra stuff to take note:
- Please label your scarf and beret (IMPORTANT) and belongings that you don't want to lose.
- Please make sure that you have your full scout uniform (see above). This is very important as the scout uniform is a uniform that is meant to be worn without the loss of any part of the uniform. Wearing the scout uniform with even one part missing, even the socks/shoes, is disrespecting the scout uniform. So please check that you have your full scout uniform. If you don't, then get the missing parts ASAP.
- Please prepare for inspection ASAP.

- Prepare for inspection (which includes water-proofing your bag)
- Check that you have full scout uniform
- Pack your bag

Monday, February 15, 2010

Act on 17/02/10

Hi everyone,

Hope that you are enjoying the Chinese New Year celebrations!

There will be activity this Wednesday. The details are as follows:

Date: Wednesday (17/2/2010)
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire: PE Attire
Things to bring: Writing materials, scout handbook (Year 1s)

Sec 1s, please be reminded to study for your test! It is highly important so work hard and when you can play hard! Once again, happy CNY!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Act on 10/02/10

There will be activity this Wednesday, (10/2/10).

Date: 10 Feb 2010
Reporting venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Time: 3.30 - 6.30
Things to bring: Full Scout Uniform (incl beret), 1 pair of extra socks (sec3s only), change of clothes (PLs only)

There is muster parade, so do change into your uniform and report on time. We will be welcoming our new sec1s tomorrow, so bring along all your enthusiasm and have fun!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Act on 08/02/10

There will be activity on Monday, 8th February 2010. The details are as follows:

Batch Pioneering
Date: Monday (8/2/2010)
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire:
PE Attire
Things to bring: Water bottle, Pioneering Design (Sec 3s)

Our new year one scouts will also be dropping by during this activity, so do give them a warm welcome.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Act on 03/02/10

There will be activity on this Wednesday (3rd February). The details are as follows:

Flagstaff for dummies
Date: Wednesday (3/2/10)
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire:
PE Attire
Things to bring: Water bottle

Sec 3s, please remember to send your structure design to Anurak by Wednesday.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Act on 27/01/10

This Wednesday's activity will be Patrol Meeting.

Date: Wednesday, 27th January 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire:
PE Attire
Things to bring: Water bottle,
Scout Notes, Scarf

Alright, there are some things to take note of. During the patrol meeting, we will discuss about the cupboard design, the I/Cs for many things and learn to do the sailmaker's whipping. Prepare yourselves for the act by learning the whipping and have ideas of what you want the cupboard to look like:).

Sunday, January 24, 2010

02 Campfire

Coming up soon is the first campfire of the year, organized by our very own brother scout group 02. Details are as follows:

Date: 6 February 2010 (Saturday)
Venue: Raffles Institution (Secondary)
Theme: Ah Beng Millionaire

As 02 is our brother scout group, it is
compulsory (for both SU and VU) to attend. PLs, please compile a list of members who cannot go and submit to Anurak before 27/1 (Next Wednesday). Note that only valid reasons will be accepted. Do note that the Sec3s will be having their First Aid Course before this.

As such, those who are not able to go will have to tell me the reason on monday's act.

Act on 25/01/10

There will be activity this Monday 25th Jan. The details are as follows:

Footdrill session
Date: Monday, 25th January 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire:
PE Attire
Things to bring: Water bottle,
Topo maps (if your GTC patrol hasn't returned)

Just a reminder, the first class hike briefing will be held tomorrow after activity. Candidates, please remember to select your companions by then.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Eagle Shirt

First of all, I need to thank Hawk for this great idea. Moving on, I believe it is great if eagle has a shirt, thus leading to the design. At the moment, nothing can be confirmed, but hopefully it would be polyester. Do not worry, this is just a draft and it would be much better with modification. Just tell me your opinions, and I would make the necessary changes.

Eagle Beats

Hey Eagle!

If all of you would take a look at the right side of the blog, you would realise that there is a playlist of songs. At the moment, there are only two songs- Bad Romance and Down. I am not adding more at the moment because I hope the songs added are ones that you would like to hear. So if there are any songs you like, please tell me via the chat, and I will add it to the playlist.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

01 forums

This is just a reminder for all of you who have not registered for the 01 Raffles forums. Please sign up as soon as possible, preferably by this weekend. The forums are intended for our chatting so if there are any queries whatsoever post it there. I hope all of you would participate regularly in the discussions and make the forum a lively place, kind of like a virtual den or something. As Kenneth said, normal forum rules apply and I really hope no one from eagle posts anything bad. Once again-sign up, take part and enjoy yourselves.

The link for the forum:

Act on 20/01/10

Hi everyone,

There will be activity this Wednesday, 20 Jan. The details are as follows:

Skills Upgrade
Date: Wednesday, 20th January 2010
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Reporting Attire: PE Attire

Things to bring: Water bottle

Please bring your forms and hand them in before the act.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Patrol Cupboard decorations

As all of you might know by now, we would have to decorate our patrol cupboards with some posters or whatever we deem good looking or representative of the patrol. It would be great if anyone would like to design a banner or something. The decorations play a large role in patrol standings and I really hope that we can do it well.
Some suggestions:

-Seems logical that there should be a picture of an eagle.
-We could take pictures of the awesome eagle people.
-Patrol photo with whatever pose you might fancy(unless it is something "not very nice").

Whoever is interested please notify Eugene.

Act on 18/01/10

The activity on Monday, 18th January will be Know Your Patrol. The details are as follows:

Reporting Time: 3.30pm
Reporting Attire: PE Attire
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Things to bring: Water Bottle

Additionally, for those who went to the Cambodia OCIP, do remember to bring along the letters that Mr. Yuen sent out.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Act on 13/01/10

The activity on Wednesday, 13th January will be Batch Project Planning. The details are as follows:

Reporting Time: 3.30pm
Reporting Attire: PE Attire
Reporting Venue: Gym Hall Atrium
Things to bring: Water Bottle, Writing Materials, (Good Ideas)

Guys, please brainstorm as much as possible to ensure that your projects will not foam like in previous years.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Welcome to Eagle 2010

Hey everyone! This is the epic new new eagle blog that succeeds the awesome blog of 09! Stay tune for latest information on upcoming acts and post act highlights:)